Sunday, September 28, 2008

the 's' word

my dad always makes a face when talking about "the liberals wanting to socialize health care" but what he doesnt seem to understand is that, at this point, most of us would probably be better off with a socialized health care system - because at least then, they would HAVE to treat us all, for whatever is wrong.

they dont do that now, even if you have insurance. instead, they try to find any loop hole they can to charge you as much as possible to do as little as they can. that is disgusting. and for people without health coverage, which is an alarmingly large amount of people, your only hope to receive treatment is going to the emergency room.

i guess i am not the only one who was thinking, if they're going to socialize the losses, we'd better get something out of it.

this is an interesting piece about just that :

Yes, it takes a breathtaking level of chutzpah for Hank Paulson to bar as "punitive" any caps on Wall Street compensation or clawbacks of ill-gotten gains on the verge of an epic federal bailout. But Democrats would be foolish to fixate on payback when a bigger prize is at hand. They should tell Hank Paulson it's fine. Let the high rollers keep the loot they made wrecking the economy. We'll flog no fat cats in the public square. All is forgiven! In exchange, though, Mr. Secretary, we just want one thing: boost your $700 billion rescue to $800 billion and enact universal health coverage this week, too.

Welcome to the logic of the next American capitalism. Once upon a time -- about a week ago, actually -- insuring the uninsured was a pipe dream. Sure, Barack Obama had to talk about it to keep the lefties happy. But how could America stomach such a massive government intervention? Just thinking about it made one swoon from the deadly vapors of socialism. Plus, even if it was a good idea, how could a deficit-ridden nation begin to pay for such a thing?

How quaint such quibbles seem today! Now that we've socialized large chunks of the mortgage, banking and insurance industries -- with auto and airlines not far behind -- universal health coverage is among the most conservative initiatives left for America to pursue. And unlike finance -- where market principles plainly lead to disaster -- in health care, Democrats can throw sulky conservative ideologues a bone. Just give the uninsured vouchers with which they can buy decent coverage from among competing private health plans. Toss in a couple of rules to assure that insurers can't discriminate against the sick (a far lighter federal hand than Republicans will shortly be proposing for tomorrow's banks). Presto! We have "market-friendly" universal health coverage.

Whaddya say, Hank? Amortized over thirty years -- like a mortgage, say -- the extra ten percent or so added to your rescue package is peanuts. This deal lends the perfect patina of justice to a scheme that would otherwise be pure socialism for the rich. It can bring the bipartisan spirit we need to muscle through this crisis together. Best of all, it lets fallen financiers sleep better in the knowledge that their plunder ultimately served a cause greater than self. Or as they say on Wall Street nowadays: "Country first!"


Simple Elements Design said...

Isn't funny that John McCain is against the government providing health care for its citizens yet he has had government provided health care through his career in the Navy and Congress. It is okay for him but not him, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Simple Elements Design said...

I should have put my glasses on to write the above. I meant to say the government provided health care is okay for him but not us. Sorry about that.

HandMade Goods said...

right?! i'm pretty sure that if he had to live without health care during the four times he has had cancer, he might be a little more compassionate to the millions of americans who live paycheck to paycheck and do not have health coverage.